But there is no doubt that he is the first mover in china ' s emerging foie gras industry 但毫无疑问,他是第一个进入中国正在兴起的鹅肝养殖行业的人。
The bank of england was among the first movers and its financial stability report , which is now a decade old , recently underwent a revamp that illustrates how rapidly this type of analysis has evolved in a relatively short space of time 英伦银行是率先推行这项措施的央行之一,至今已有十年历史,其报告近期更经过革新,说明了这类分析要时刻配合金融市场迅速演变。
Bp is always seeking to adopt innovative ways and dare to put them into practice . with its sharp strategic vision , it has been a first mover in seizing major business opportunities , in access to new market or in creating new value Bp公司的最大特点在于能够在重大的商业活动中都做到不拘陈规,勇于创新,敢于实践,以其敏锐的洞察力最先抓住机遇,最先进入市场,或者最先创造价值。